alles andere als rosa*

MA-degree project / 2017

"Anything Other Than Pink" explores the fundamental human need for "Geborgenheit," a German word that encompasses feelings of security, warmth, and wellbeing. Through experimental dyeing and weaving techniques, I aimed to translate this feeling into unique textiles. The ability to know the feeling of "Geborgenheit" is vital in managing stress and is often evoked through individual rituals or childhood memories. Personally, my association with feeling good is tied to the color pink, stemming from nostalgic summer holidays at my grandmother's house with its pink bathroom. Since the ability to evoke the feeling of "Geborgenheit" has been experienced from an early age, the preference for pink holds significance.

Furthermore, it is believed that pink has a calming effect on stressed individuals. In my textile exploration, the technical goal was to discover an individual pink recipe for dyeing the weaving material. However, this proved to be a challenging task. The outcome resulted in unexpected colors, predominantly blue, but the essence of pink can still be felt.

While pink may not be visually apparent in the woven pieces, the concept of "Geborgenheit" remains present. This project embraces an open-ended research strategy, allowing for ongoing exploration and discovery. Through my textiles, I strive to evoke a sense of comfort and wellbeing, even if the color pink is not directly visible.

the exhibition at the xpon-Art gallery was planned with the help of: Torben Spieker
the food was made by: GARDEN / Jasmin Baltres
musical perfomance by: Elsa Hewitt

photography: David Reimann & Louisa Boeszoermeny
styling: Hiroko Kira
models: Quincy Benefo, Jonathan Mutton, Malva Cepeda Fernández